10+ WordPress Essential Tips to Boost Rankings

If you want to start a website without too many technical actions, you can’t get around WordPress, It is the most widely used CMS worldwide and certainly one of the most suitable for novice website builders. In this article we’ll give you practical tips and useful links for a fast start in the world of WordPress.

1. Sharing knowledge

On the official website of WordPress you will find other useful parts besides the most up-to-date download. For example, you can search some free templates (themes called) that allow you to give each website a different look than the Twenty Sixteen that is installed by default. In addition, the Plugins and Forum components are also useful to look through.

2. Choose Installation

With most web hosting companies, an automatic installation of WordPress is possible through installation,for example, but if this is not the case, a manual installation can also be done properly, check WP  for a clear manual.

3. Use templates

When designing a WordPress website, it is recommended for beginners (and actually for advanced students) to use an existing Template. It is possible to build a template yourself, however there are hundreds of very good templates available that have been tested on all browsers and devices that you can then put to your own hand.

For professional templates we always look at Themeforest , these often cost a few tens after which you can use them unlimited on your website (note, default on 1 website), you still look for something that is free you can look at Colorlib . When choosing a suitable template there are many factors to take into account as you often do not know exactly what kind of website it will be this can be tricky, in this WordPress beginner article they give some useful tips

4. Best Template

One of the best templates ‘overall’ is Avada. This template has been sold more than 200,000 times and is rated with a 4.78/5. There are plenty of options in it, if you need very little this will be too much and you can look at simpler templates.

5. Take the time for the setup

After installation, we recommend the installation of some plugins. The use of plugins is the power of WordPress, for almost every application someone has already developed and developed a handy plugin. These 3 plugins are useful for any website.

6. SEO plugin: All-in-One-SEO

Although WordPress is already pretty well built with regard to search engine optimization, this AlL in One SEO plugin is even more specific. You can conveniently specify which pages should be indexed and also set things like standard page titles for the entire website. Also, this plugin integrates search engine information such as how many characters of the title will appear in the search engine.

7. Cache Plugin: WP Rocket

This plugin not only creates a cache but also a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your WordPress website. More than 800 thousand websites use WP Rocket, especially the more professional sites that WordPress wants to fully optimize. Starting at $49 per year, this cache plugin is available.

8. Sitemap plugin: Google XML Sitemaps

With a Google XML Sitemap, you can automatically keep the search engines informed about your website and which pages have been added and changed. You can then log in this site map in Google Webmaster Tools and also in Bing Webmaster Tools.

9. Handy plugin: Exclude Pages

The Exclude Pages plugin is designed to keep pages out of the standard menu. Many templates use a menu that creates all pages by default. This can be useful but often not correct, with this plugin you get a checkbox on every page with which you can turn this off.

10. Responsive tables in WP with this plugin

Since the rise of mobile and tablet, your page has to be 100% responsive, but with tables this is often still very tricky. And since tables are very useful for displaying information orderly, this can cause problems. The Advanced Tables plugin is the best plugin for responsive tables so far.

11. Anti-spam Bee

Install the handy anti-spam plugin Anti-Spam Bee to drastically reduce the amount of comment spam in your WordPress website.

12. Change your username and password

From the start you will often have ‘admin’ as a username, change it to settings in your own name of your choice.


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